Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: Oh To Be More Childlike in Our Faith
Text: Mark 10:13-31
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: The Sacredness of Marriage
Text: Mark 10:1-12
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: Who Is Really the Greatest
Text: Mark 9:30-50
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: The Power of Private Prayer
Text: Mark 9:14-29
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: Oh What A Foretaste of Glory Divine
Text: Mark 9:1-13
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: Who Am I?
Text: Mark 8:27-38
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: How Is It That You Do Not Understand?
Text: Mark 8:1-21
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: Just As They Are
Text: Mark 7:30-37
Due to technical difficulties there is only audio for this sermon.
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: Just As I Am
Text: Mark 7:24-30
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: The Truth About Sin
Text: Mark 7:24-30
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: The Pros and Cons of Tradition
Text: Mark 7:1-13
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: He Must Increase
Text: Mark 6:14-52
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: Is Apostolic Internship for Today?
Text: Mark 6:7-13
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: Would You Want Him to Stay, or Go
Text: Mark 5:21-6:6
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: The God of the Impossible
Text: Mark 5
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: The Correlation Between Fear and Faith
Text: Mark 4:35-41
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: Learning Through The Parables
Text: Mark 4
Series: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Title: The Intrigue of the Parables
Text: Mark 4:1