

Because we have some Crossroads Family and Friends who do not have online capabilities, each Deacon of Crossroads will be calling the list of families that they have been assigned to care for to complete a questionnaire that will help us in determining how we can expedite the reopening of in-person worship at Crossroads.

If you are reading this, please take the time to complete the following form and be sure to click on the SUBMIT button to send your completed questionnaire. Only ONE questionnaire needs to be filled out per family. When your deacon calls you, if you have already filled the questionnaire out online, simply tell them that you submitted your family’s form online.

Please understand that when we do reopen, things will be a little different because of the restrictions place upon us by our governor, county, and Sedgwick County Health Department.

For example, we will still have to socially distance which means that we will not be able to shake hands, pass the offering plate, or huddle together in groups for conversation.

Instead we will have to temporarily wave or smile at one another, either continue to mail in our tithes/offerings or place them into two locked tithe/offering boxes (one in the sanctuary and one in the foyer), etc.

Initially, we will not be offering either a nursery or Sunday School classes due to social distancing.

Depending upon the Questionnaire responses, we may also need to temporarily go to two services on Sunday morning in addition to live-streaming for those who do not initially feel comfortable returning. We will also continue to post the services online but, the posts will be delayed by one week.

Once we are able to determine an opening date based upon the information you, our Church Family and Friends provide us, we will be sending out a more complete set of expectations we will all need to agree to abide by to reopen the church. Please understand that these “expectations” will only be temporary, and we will return to our “old normal” as quickly as possible as state and local restrictions permit.

While we may not agree with everything being required of us, we must still take into consideration our responsibilities as believers to care for the welfare of others around us as well as adhere to the Biblical mandate of Romans 13:1 to be subject to the rules of government so long as the rules do not contradict the dictates of Scripture.

Thank you for being patient and understanding as we go through these difficult days none of us have ever faced before. Now let’s fill out the questionnaire!